This picture was taken for Stan in our backyard within his last days. I made this guy out of old newspapers and transparent roll-tape. He was sitting straight, always held an empty plastic cup. His body was full of bad news from all over the world. I barely touched him during his life... I wanted to see how natural forces will treat him. He was getting older everyday, just like us! And this is how he ended up... He used to be a good friend for some people. Stan lived a sad life, but he taught us a lot. "Waiting all this time, I've got nothing to hold on, but the faces of my life, I can see before I'm gone".
Happiness Stan ?
I think Stan found it too much to handle the news and events happening inside him, it's a sad story.
I was wondering, how many versions of Stan you made so far??
RIP Stan
impressive! each time i see any of ur work i smile :) and i wonder how talented u r :) proud of having u as a friend Odeh u r the best ever :))
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